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* To transition DREAMERS into DOERS.

* To inspire, motivate and drive others to thrive and fulfill their dreams — one resume, one business plan, one consultation session or one workshop/session at a time.

* To deliver the highest quality of services that provide clients an extraordinary experience as they partner with us to transition their ideas and thoughts into a reality!

Vision Statement:

The partnering methodology and the innovative framework formulated by DO IT! will blaze a trail and serve as a template for people and businesses who are unintentionally withholding extraordinary ideas and thoughts that are waiting to become actuality.


To further inspire the inspired and to ignite the deferred dreams of a dreamer. These actions will be accomplished through partnering: clients focus on their technical skills; we focus on providing services and identifying resources to conquer hurdles.


To help others live out their dreams by providing a place where clients can obtain resources and tools to help them with aspects of their career- and business-related goals.


At DO IT! we are focused on providing career- and business-related services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Our commitment is to do everything we can to meet or exceed your expectations.

Guiding Principles:

Collaboration - Collaborating with reliable experts, serving as a hub, to connect clients to the best resources.

Commitment - Commitment to providing great services and giving 100% to the endeavors of others, as if it they were our own.

Community - A sense of responsibility and contribution to society while incorporating an ultimate belief that EVERYONE has something to bring to the table.

Consistency - Be consistent in providing offering the best we have to give in order to assure the most optimal experience possible.

Core Value Statements:

Passion - Putting both the heart and mind in the work to get the best.

Innovation - To help others to birth new and creative ideas that have the potential to change the world.

Integrity - To act with honesty and genuineness without compromising the truth.

Efficiency - Being efficient and effective in our approach to give best options and solutions every time.

Empowerment - Empowering the customers to deliver on their ideas, thoughts and dreams through partnering, taking initiative, giving their best as they engage in partnership.

Celebrate - Having fun and celebrating small successes in our journey to achieve our ultimate destination.


The launching of DO IT! was inspired by family, friends and colleagues who contacted me for assistance with resume writing or for advice on a project or a task at hand. After the delivery of a product or at the conclusion of a brain storming session, I would receive overwhelming positive feedback. Often the words, “You should consider starting your own business”. After years of volunteering these services, I decided to follow the advice of many and move forward with executing on the suggestion. The feedback received from those that I have assisted over the last year was overwhelming and surprising. The word on the street was that I was producing "rock star" resumes. 

So many times people underestimate themselves and do not know how to properly and adequately document their duties and accomplishments. As an HR expert with 24 years of experience, I have a keen eye to review a document from an HR lens. Having 15 years of experience as a Director/Supervisor, I also have the experience of reviewing an application from a selecting official’s lens.

The rest is history! What dreams and inspirations are you withholding? Partner with us and let's DO IT!

"Don't Just Dream Your Dream...DO IT!" - LuDrean Peterson

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